
Pre-enrolment meeting for Educate Together in Carlow

November 1st 2007

Carlow Educate Together are having their pre-enrolment meeting in the Seven Oaks in Saturday, November 10.

Any parent wishing to put their child’s name down for a place in the school may do so at this meeting. Places are offered on a first come, first serve basis. To highlight this, Educate Together is manning information stands over the coming week at the following locations; outside Dunne’s Stores and Superquinn on Saturday, November 3, from 11am until 5pm. In the Arboretum on Sunday, November 4 from 11am until 5pm, and outside the post office in Carlow town on Tuesday, November 6, from 9am until 5pm.

For further information, please contact Carlow Educate Together Secretary Eleanor Peters at 085 7633927 or email