Friendship Week in Róisín’s Class

Róisín’s Class really enjoyed Friendship Week. We worked with all our friends in Vicky, Susanne and Gillian’s classes to make a Friendship Mural. It is hanging outside Gillian’s classroom, call in and have a look! On Tuesday we ate delicious pancakes and played board games with 4th class. On Friday all the Junior and Senior […]

Friendship Week in Emer’s

The children in Emer’s class have had a lovely Friendship Week in school. Thanks to Clare and all our secret friends. Happy Valentine’s Day for Sunday and enjoy the break

Class Swap

Sive and Clare completed a teacher swap today as part of Friendship Week! 4th class worked very well together during Sive’s PE lesson and cooperative games. Well done! Class Swap

Peace Proms Practice

We sang our hearts out at today’s Peace Prom rehearsal in Kilkenny. Well done to all the students. You did CETNS proud😊

Gymnastics in 1st Class

1st class completed their final gymnastics PE lesson this morning. They worked together in groups to create gymnastic sequences which included all the skills they have learned. They then performed their brilliant sequences for the class. Well done everybody!

Friendship Week in Junior/Seniors

We worked with Róisín’s, Gillian’s and Vicky’s classes to create a large mural showing how we all learn, work and play together.  We were partnered with Sinéad’s 3rd class with whom we played board games and ate pancakes on Tuesday and went on a scavenger hunt on Friday.  Then to end a great week of […]