Join us for a celebration of the decade of The Walkman and Neon Slap Bracelets with music from all our classes as well as some surprises. So get your leg warmers on and get ready – it’s going to be totally bodacious!
Winter concerts are a very special occasion for bringing the school community together and it’s been a few years since we were able to come together. The following are the times of the concerts:
Wednesday 14th December
Junior Concert (Junior Infants – 2nd Class) – 5:30pm to 6:30pm
Senior Concert (3rd Class upwards) – 7pm to 8pm
Thursday 15th December
Junior Concert: 9:30am to 10:30am
Senior Concert: 11am to 12pm
We have now over 300 families in the school and as much as we’d love to fit everyone into any single concert, it isn’t going to be possible. It’s also very tiring for the children so we want to make sure they aren’t exhausted either! If we have an oversubscription to any of the concerts, we will have to make the difficult decision to work on a first-come, first-served basis. As much as we don’t want to do this, we can only fit a maximum of 130 chairs in the hall so please don’t be cross if we can’t accommodate everyone. If you can make it to a morning concert, we’d appreciate it if you booked tickets for that as we will be able to run an extra morning concert if needs be.