Assembly Report
This week’s assembly was led by Trish. Here are some photos!
Assembly Report
Here are the photographs of this week’s assembly.
Assembly Report
Today’s assembly was given by Clare and here are the photos of our students of the week, Golden Book winner and Golden Rules champion.
Assembly Report
Today’s assembly was led by Erin and we got to test out our brand new microphones and speakers thanks to our parents who fundraised so well for them. Everyone was really excited as there was lots of news at assembly. We were delighted to congratulate Zoe on her success in the Glór na Cheathearlach coloyring […]
Assesmbly Report
Today we had a lovely assembly, the last one before our Autumn break. The infants sang us Oiche Shamhna and we learned all about the different festivals happening at this time of the year including Eid, Samhain, Halloween and Divali.
Assembly Report
Today’s assembly was taken by Simon and we talked about Jersey Day and sport. We talked about how good it is to exercise and congratulated the children on walking or running 5km this week as part of the first Daily K. We also had our winner from the Golden Book. These were our Students of the […]
Assembly Report
This week Simon held assembly and talked to the children about the Golden Rules, especially our listening rule. 1st and 2nd class were this week’s best listeners and got 5 extra minutes of Golden Time. Gillian told all the children about a new initiative starting Monday where all the children will be running 1km everyday. We’re calling […]
Assembly Report
Gillian took charge of assembly this week and talked to the children about the caterpillars we found in our school garden. The caterpillars had a great time eating our lettuces and it was very interesting to see them. We’ve also harvested a number of vegetables so please come in and have a look. Our Junior […]
Assembly Report
This week we had another special belief system assembly. Frances and Carolina, from the Jehovah Witness community in Carlow, joined us to speak about the life of Jehovah Witnesses. The two ladies described the meaning of their religion and how it started. They spoke about how they believed that the bible teaches them. The children […]
A Titanic Assembly
Erin led our first assembly on term 3 with a great chat about the 100th anniversary of the Titanic sinking. The children heard all about how the “unsinkable” ship hit an iceberg. Erin brought in a fantastic poster about the Titanic which will be hanging outside her room for everyone to see. Emer B also […]