Assembly Report

Photos from today’s assembly.
Making Patterns in Emer’s Class

Making patterns today in Emer’s class. The children were very inventive!
Semi-Finals for CETNS

Today our school football team played in the county semi final in Ballinkillen. The team showed huge spirit and commitment right throughout the match. They fought hard for every ball and showed wonderful skill scoring and defending. Unfortunately the result just didn’t go our way today losing out by the narrowest of margins, just one […]
Orienteering in 3rd Class

We had great fun in 3rd class, orienteering with Susanne’s class today. We learned lots and had great fun running around the yard. Thanks for the invite Susanne and we look forward to mapping the trail on Monday afternoon!
Trip to Rancho Reilly’s

Tricia’s class had great fun this morning at Rancho Reilly’s pet farm, we met rabbits, chicks and pigs and played in the sand.
Conkers in Róisín’s class

Roisin’s class planted conkers today to grow horse chestnut tress. We all got to feel the compost and plant our own conker. We watered them afterwards and can’t wait to see them grow!
5th and 6th Class Orienteering

Busy Times in Angela’s Class

We have been learning all about the weather and the season of Autumn. Children having fun at the weather station and working hard in the arts and crafts station during Aistear.
Assembly Report

Well done to our winners this week at assembly!
Tráth na gCeist

Comghairdeachas don foireann scoile a ghlac phairt sa trath na gceist areir. Well done guys, you did the school proud!