GAA in Second Class

Second class have been playing Gaelic football with coaches Michael and Ger for the last number of weeks. They are learning lots of new skills and having great fun!
Another Victory for Carlow ETNS

Our school Gaelic Football team had a great win today in Clonegal. It was a tough game against very strong opponents and everyone played really well and worked together as a team. There was some solid defending in the second half and our forwards scored some fine points. Well done to everyone involved!
Woodwork in Mark’s Class

Mark’s class were learning how to use some woodworking tools during the week. We used clamps, drills, screwdrivers and measuring tapes. All the new skills will be put to use over the next few weeks.
Busy times in Angela’s class

Junior Infants have been very busy the last few weeks in school. They had lots of fun in Aistear where they got to work in groups in the role play area, arts and crafts, small world and construction area. Take a look at some photos from Junior Infants.
From Facebook

Second class were learning all about tens and units today!
Scientists in Tricia’s Class

Tricia’s class had great fun being scientists today, we mixed cornflour with different liquids to see what happened!!
Homes in 1st Class

We have been learning all about homes in 1st class. We have learned about the different types of homes the children live in and also about homes in the past. we learned about thatched cottages in Ireland and made our own version today for art. The children did a great job.
Teddy Bear Picnic

Roisin and Angela’s classes had an excellent time at the Teddy Bears Picnic. Our teddy bears loved it too! We listened to “Oh, The Places You’ll Go” by Dr. Seuss and ate some delicious fruit and buns.
Fit4Class in Gillian’s Class

Senior Infants/First Class have been very busy this week. We started the Fit4Class, a programme designed to introduce Athletics to children in a very fun way. This week the children were human cars traveling at top speed avoiding cones… We learned all about school in Aistear, sequenced our daily activities in SPHE and played maths […]
Busy Times in 3rd Class

Another action packed week of learning this week in 3rd class! In the garden welanted 3 varieties of grass in our school garden, now we have to look after them well and help them grow. We are really loving football skills every Thursday too, the children’s skills are really developing…watch out Croke Park here we […]