Parents’ Committee AGM

We had a full house at our Parents’ Committee AGM. We said goodbye to our current committee after 3 great years. We now welcome Kathy, Rosemary, Jenny, Vera, Alex and John.
Library news
Library News Here are the top 10 books borrowed from the library 1. The Savage Stone Age magazines 2. Lego Star Wars 3. Where’s Wally? 4. Football Record Breakers 5. Everything’s Amazing (sort Of) 6. Dork Diaries how to be a dork 7. Party Time 8. Lego super heroes 9. Diary of W-Kid Hard Luck […]
Carlow Camogie Team visit the School

Today some members of the victorious Carlow Camogie team came into our school to show us the fantastic cup they won when they beat Armagh to win the Premier Junior All Ireland camogie championship. It was a special visit as Jamie’s mam Mairead was one of the players on the team. A massive congratulations to […]
Senior Infant Architects

There were tense negotiations amongst the architects of this school below in Emer’s class. Like a Dermot Bannon project it all worked out in the end. And yes, that’s Siobhan helping out! Photos by Brandon. There was a very specific request that these be posted on the school website!
Victory for our GAA Team

A huge congratulations to our school football team who had a fantastic win today against Myshall! There was some amazing team work on display which ended in us scoring 4 goals and 3 points. The defence played brilliantly too. It was a massive team effort from everyone! Well done to all involved on a super […]
Roald Dahl Day

Wow what a fun filled day in 3rd class! We even tuned in to the live Roald Dahl party! Quentin Blake was even illustrating our favourite characters. The Twits came to visit us in second class today! They were every bit as awful as we thought they would be! They had worms and toenails and […]
First GAA Match of the Season

Well done to our Gaelic team today who played their hearts out in our first match of the season against Kildavin. Made up of boys and girls from 5th and 6th class the team fought hard for every minute till the final whistle. The score didn’t go our way but there were some beautiful skills displayed and […]
Assembly Report

We had a lovely assembly on Friday. We talked about Eid, which is being celebrate this week and also Roald Dahl Day. Here are the photos of the assembly.
In the news…
We made the front pages of the Nationalist this week
Busy starts in Infants

Junior Infants, Senior Infants and 1st Class had busy starts to the year. Between Fashion, Aistear and Assemblies, the children must have been wrecked!