1st Class in VISUAL

1st class are enjoying their morning at the Little Art Works workshop and tour at VISUAL, Carlow College and its gardens

Angela’s School Tour

Here are some pictures of second class having fun participating in the various different activities at Pirates Cove and also from active week. Second class also wrote a bucket list of things they would like to do over the Summer holidays.  

2nd class

Here are some pictures of second class having fun at Pirates Cove and also from active week. The class also wrote a bucket list of things they would like to do over the Summer holidays. Second class enjoyed learning all about the drums . Dave was very impressed with how good second class were at listening and following […]

Drumming in Second Class

Second class enjoyed learning all about the drums today. Dave was very impressed with how good second class were. The children got to play the drums and danced free style at the end of his lesson. They all had lots of fun.

Susanne’s Class at Woodfield House

We had such a great visit to Woodfield House today.  We made giant bubbles, drew chalk pictures, then visited the hens, did the laundry (the old fashioned way),  visited Mrs Flowers in the kitchen for a story, dressed some scarecrows, watched butter being made, stacked some turf and then had a wet sponge fight with Róisín’s […]

Vicky’s Class go for a walk

For active week and to celebrate the beautiful weather Vicky’s class walked to the sensory gardens and had a picnic there, on the way home we went into the pet shop and saw lots of lovely pets!we had a great time in the lovely sunshine!

Walk for 1st and 2nd class

1st and 2nd class took advantage of the nice weather this afternoon and went for a lovely walk. We even practiced some running and sprinting in preparation for sports day tomorrow!