Enrollment Form

You have been offered a place in Carlow Educate Together NS. Please fill in this form within 2 weeks to accept the place.

Step 1 of 5 – Please read before completion

  • Carlow Educate Together National School’s vision is that every member of our school community is happy, safe and able to learn.

    If you wish to enrol your child to Carlow Educate Together National School, please fill out the form and submit. If you need a printed copy, please ring the school on 059-9137541. Please read the following terms and conditions before filling out the form.

    • I understand that it is my responsibility to inform the school, in good time, of any changes of address, telephone number or other relevant circumstance.
    • I understand that if I have not returned this form by the deadline date, I will have forfeited my child’s place on the enrolment list, and consequently the place being offered.
    • All of the school’s policies are available online. They may be changed and added to from time to time. By agreeing to our school policies on this form, it presumes agreement to future policies developed while your child is in school. The school ensures that families can input into any school policy.
    • I am a parent or legal guardian of the child I am enrolling.
    • The Department of Education and Skills has developed an electronic database of primary school pupils called the Primary Online Database (POD) which involves schools maintaining and returning data on pupils to the Dept at individual pupil level on a live system. This information will be used to evaluate progress and outcomes of pupils at primary level, to validate school enrolment returns for grant payment and teacher allocation purposes, to follow up on pupils who do not make the transfer from primary to post primary level and for statistical reporting. The database will hold data on all primary school pupils. The database will also contain, on an optional basis, information on the pupil’s religion and on their ethnic or cultural background. These optional questions are marked with an asterisk.
    • Max. file size: 32 MB.
      In order to enrol in a primary school, ID is required such as a Birth Certificate or Passport. Please upload a scan / photo of either document. If this isn’t possible, you can post it to the school or drop it into the office to be photocopied. Please only upload one file.