The Flat Stanley project is something really exciting thats taking place in Emer’s Senior Infants and First Class. Stanley is a little boy who is flat, but he’s really lucky because that means he gets to travel all over the world in the post! In the class we’ve made our Flat Stanley’s and are getting ready to send them to other schools in Ireland. The children that recieve our Stanley’s will take them home and do an activity with him. Then they’ll write about it in our Stanley Journals and send them back to us! Hopefully we’ll get other children’s Stanley’s to take home with us! For parents who are interested in this there is a website all about Stanley and his travels. It’s called You can also follow Stanley on Facebook and on twitter and for all the technology savvy people you can even download a Flat Stanley app for your Iphone! If you have any connections with schools around the world that might want to take part let us know!