School will open tomorrow (Monday) at 8:50am. We hope that the thaw will continue into the week as its jammed-packed full of fun!
Tomorrow will see a bumper cake sale with all sorts of seasonal treats on offer. It starts at 9am and finishes by 12pm. Thanks to the parents for organising this and please support all their hard work.
On Wednesday evening, Teach Dolmen is hosting an 80s Quiz night with proceeds going to our school. We would really appreciate your support for this event (even if your knowledge of the 80s is as good as mine!)
On Thursday we’re going carol singing in Superquinn. We haven’t decided about times, etc. due to a weather warning but we’ll let you know closer to the time. The children have been practicing for the last while and are sounding super! We’re hoping that we’ll have some extra help this year with people standing at hotspots in the shopping centre collecting money.
Lastly, on Friday, some children will be heading up to Dublin with Simon and Adrian for the Junior Spider Awards! We’ve been shortlisted in the “Best School Web Site” section so we’re very excited about it. Members of 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th class made a super display with Simon on Friday and we’ll post pictures on to our Facebook page live from the awards! We’re also hoping to give the whole school a snapshot of the awards by hosting a video conference during assembly in Eimear’s classroom.