This week the children in 3rd class wrote some wonderful poems and I have chosen a few examples to share: We read the poem I Left My Snowman in the Freezer by Iain MCmillan and the children responded with their own fantastic poems!

The Fat Cat
The fat cat
Sat on a mat
Wearing a hat
Eating a rat.
A bat took the rat
The cat ate the bat
and his own hat

by Jacinta Caron

My Tablet
I have a little tablet
Which is a bit of a habit.
I hope I get fame
For playing a game.
It’s fun
But I’d rather play in the sun!

By Aidan Goss

The Penguin
I have a little penguin
He is from the South Pole
Where I’m told it’s quite cold.
When I saw him I was feeling bold
Because the fish he had I may have stole
My little penguin his name is Moe.

Lilly-Mae O’ Brien

The Fly

Once there was a
buzzing fly
Up in the sky
I wish I could fly
High up in the sky
To try
Get the Fly and
Say hi to the fly

By Kiaza Callinan

I Met a Dog
I found a dog.
His friend was a frog.
The dog was moaning
when the frog was croaking.
The dog didn’t like when the frog was croaking
so the dog ate the frog
and then another frog came along.

by Cian Griffen