A table quiz was held on December 6th in The Seven Oaks Hotel at 8pm.
We had a turnout of 11 tables and the night was declared a success, despite the Lions Club holding their “Monster Table Quiz” in the same hotel on the same night.
Donations of spot prizes were received and a grand raffle was held. Some lucky ticket holders came away with more than one prize! At ticket prices of €2 per strip or 3 for €5 this was a great steal.
The questions asked by Grand Quizmaster John Collins were interesting, funny and some were really difficult! At the end of the night we had clear winners, with a table of runners-up hot on their heels. First prize was a free Day Pass for the Sentosa Leisure Spa at the Ramada Hotel in Killerig. Runners-up received a bottle of wine each. For our brave team who finished bottom of the table, there was a booby prize of rubber gloves for each team member.
Thanks to all for turning out. We hope to make this an annual fundraising event and we hope to see the numbers attending rising every year.